Burlington Transit: Reasons To Ride
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Are you a driver? Are you about to buy a car? Are you a student? A senior? A butcher, a baker, a tailor, a tinker? Whoever you are, wherever you come from and wherever you’re going, there are 100s of great reasons to ride Burlington Transit. One them is right for you. Our Burlington Transit: Reasons To Ride campaign leveraged this deceptively simple strategy to get people from “A” to “Ah! I get it!” in short order.
Burlington Transit has seen a steady growth in ridership. Between July 2010 and June 2011, two million people rode transit — the highest that the 12-month count has been in 15 years. Local ridership grew 5.6 per cent in the first six months of 2011 versus the same period in 2010, well above the national average of 4.9 per cent according to The Canadian Transit Association. The system's ridership increase has exceeded its population growth by nearly 40 per cent - proof aplenty that we're all doing something right.